Monday, September 24, 2012

September 20, 2012 30 Week

On Thursday mommy and Saya headed into the Lafayette office and heard the baby's heartbeat and the belly  was measured. The heartbeat was in the 140 range which is still good but mommy's belly measured 2 cm below normal. The doctor wasn't worried a bit and said that growth was still good.

September 13th, 2012 Growth Check

Mommy headed in to Avista to see Lois the tech and got to see baby again after 20 weeks. Baby looks a lot different than before with more definition. The baby was head down already and measuring at 29 weeks and 6 days. So there was nothing to worry about. Everything else looked good too and  the heartbeat measured just right.

28 Week Appt

On our 28th week appt the doctor and PA measured mommy's belly and the growth was a bit smaller than normal at 28 weeks so they decided to do a growth check with ultrasound. Otherwise, everything else was fine.

Monday, August 27, 2012

August 21, 2012 Glucose Test and Labcorp

On Tuesday we somehow got out of the house in time to head out to Labcorp. Mommy drank all the orange drink and then had 30 minutes to spare before we got to lab. Saya and mommy waited till our 1 hour wait was up and then got our blood drawn. So far all the test results were good and passing. This included the CBC, vitamin D and Glucose. Whew!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 7, 2012 24 Week Appt

Today we went to visit Dr. Spears for our 24 week appt. Baby is doing great, she is measuring just about 24 weeks and has a heartbeat of 156. Mommy is doing well except for the occassional back pains from lifting up too much weight. Now instead of bending down, it's time to start squating. Mommy gained 1 pound from the last visit which is good and steadily growing. Time to also start the glucose testing soon along with all other bloodwork. We'll see how that goes.

The nursery is coming into place. Furniture is all in place and daddy has worked hard to clean the house up.

Mommy is starting to have more and more cravings so today we picked up some nitrate free hot dogs and peaches. Mommy is also getting really sensitive with everything and started nesting.

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 9, 2012 20 Weeks

On Monday July 9th we visited the Ob again for our 20 week appt. We heard the baby's heartbeat and daddy made it just in time. Saya was fast asleep in her stroller after soccer but woke up just in time as well. The doctor made sure all the parts of the baby were ok such as the brain, kidneys and spine. We found out that we will be having a baby girl. The doctor was certain but to us we couldn't tell much of anything from the u/s.

Also we found out that the placenta was anterior so it would be hard to feel the baby kicking. But the flutter that mommy had been feeling the last couple of weeks seems to be the baby. So excited to be half way through the pregnancy and also closer to meeting baby Neima #2.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Told Baba about Baby #2

On Monday mommy told baba about the pregnancy since baba suspected it after seeing photos.

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 7, 2012 16 Weeks

On Thursday we headed to see Dr. Spears for our 16 week appointment. Mommy misread the time and thought that the appt was 9:20am instead of 9am. So we had to rush and get ready and head to a new location. Upset, stressed and rushing with Saya out the door and it wasn't very pleasant.
We got to the office and rushed in only to have to pay a 123 dollar deductible. Argh! Then Saya was great and she noticed the lollipop container in the office and headed straight for it. The promise was she had to sit through the appt before she got the lollipop.
Dr. Spears answered questions and listened to the baby's heartbeat which was 158.  She mentioned that it was on the high side so maybe a girl.
Otherwise we will see Dr. Spears again for our 20 week appointment which will be an ultrasound. If she finds any abnormalities we will head to the perinatologist.
We also had to to do more genetic testing so we headed off to Labcorp for AFV testing and others. Hope they come back ok.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Heartburn and Pains

Last night was a scary night. Couldn't sleep with all the heartburn and pains in the lower pelvic area. Thinking it's round ligament pains and hoping it's nothing serious. One more week to go before seeing the OB.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 7, 2012 12 Weeks- NT

On Monday Saya and mommy headed in to see Dr. Spears for an NT test. We got an ultrasound and they found the lines and it measured normal- Whew! Then we heard the heartbeat and saw the baby move. So cool! Finally it hit me that perhaps this is real and the baby might make it to term. Saya was excited too and she got to keep a picture as well. Daddy made it to the last part of the ultrasound and heard the loud heartbeat and was happy.  We got a finger prick for the NT test and then saw Dr. Spears. Dr. Spears answered a bunch of questions and then said that we were doing great. Mommy hadn't gained much weight so when we told the doctor about eating fatty greasy foods she said it was ok in moderation.

The NT test came back normal.

Next visit will we be at 16 weeks with Dr. Spears. Hopefully everything will be ok after fly to Las Vegas and back.

April 19, 2012 Starting to Show?

We went to the mall with some friends and then a friend told me that I was showing already. Could it be that I was just fat or really starting to show. Final decision- Just fat.

May 4, 2012 The Nausea Spike

Oh boy the nausea began worse than ever. Thank goodness in a few days we get to see the doc. Trying to hold in the vomit during the day while watching Saya just gets really exhausting.

April 10, 2012 2nd Ultrasound OB

Made it to 8 weeks and finally we got to meet our Obgyn. We went to see Dr. Karin Spears at 3pm. It was a late appointment so the doctor was super late. The nurse got our information and then the waiting began. We waited and waited and poor Saya was bored and daddy was just not happy. We finally got to see the doctor and she did an ultrasound with a abdominal probe so we couldn't see as much as with the RE but we heard the heartbeat. The Ob was not worried about anything so we got our packet of stuff and got some blood drawn before we left.

All the bloodwork came but just fine and normal. However vitamin D levels were significantly low so I started to take 3,000 IU of vitamin D and also some calcium.

April 2, 2012 1st Ultrasound- Heartbeat!

Saya and mommy headed into Denver to see Dr. Woodford. Mommy was certain that we weren't going to see anything so she was ultra prepared. Saya was super good and used her Innotab while mommy talked to Dr. Woodford. Dr. mentioned that the HSG results were super low because mommy got tested a day early. Had the test been done the next day the results would have been different.

Mommy got a vaginal ultrasound done and sure enough there was a sac and a little fetus growing. She checked for the spine and the heartbeat and there they were. The heartbeat was 130 so she said perhaps it might be a girl. After the sound of the heartbeat is noted the chance of miscarriage drops so we hoped that we can make it to term.

Daddy was not surprised. He was sure that we were pregnant. He was super happy and hoped to be there for the next ultrasound.

March 12, 2012 2nd Beta HSG

Saya and mommy headed to Labcorp again for a 2nd blood draw. Saya was excited again and we were in and out of the office. We got a call from CA IVF and the result was 143. The result tripled so they said that it was a positive pregnancy and then to wait till 7 weeks to get an ultrasound. Mommy couldn't wait so she made an appt with Dr. Woodford for April 2nd.

March 9, 2012 Beta HSG

Mommy and Saya headed to Labcorp for a blood draw, and Saya was super excited and said hello to everyone there. She was super brave as the lady drew mommy's blood. Saya got super comfy there that she was not eager to leave. We had the blood drawn stat so we got the results later in the evening.

Owen from CA IVF called and told mommy that the result was 43 which was greater than 5 which means pregnancy but still very low. So he mentioned that I should get prepared to come back to Sacramento.

March 2, 2012 Embryo Transfer

It's time for the embryo transfer. We booked our entire family for a trip to Oakland and stayed with Shiho. Saya and mommy got to Oakland first on March 28, 2012 and spent time with Shiho. We then booked daddy's flight for Thursday night March 1, 2012 since he had to work. We took Shiho's car to Sacramento and  headed to the appt. Mommy had to drink a ton of water but as soon as we got there mommy had to pee. CA IVF said to pee just a little bit but still mommy's bladder got fuller and fuller. So after many trips to the bathroom, it was time for the transfer. One embryo was still stuck in the catheter so they had to do the procedure 2 times. We rested in the exam room for a bit and then headed straight to the bathroom. We then grabbed a little lunch at Dos Coyotes and then headed back to Oakland. Saya was at the Oakland Zoo with Shiho and Alex so when we got home mommy and daddy got to rest. We decided to head to REI for the garage sale and then head to Kirala take out for dinner. The next day we made pancakes for breakfast and then headed to a Pho restaurant for lunch before heading to See's candies. We got a little something for our trip home and then off to the airport. The flight back was great but Southwest lost our carseat so it took a long time to get back home.

February 20, 2012 Lining Check

Mommy flew into Sacramento for the day just for a lining check with Dr Satin Patel. Everything was great and he decided that a 2 embryo transfer would be the best option for us.

January 6, 2012 Saline HSG

Saya and mommy took our first trip to Sacramento CA IVF for our first saline HSG to check for any cysts. We were going to fly to Oakland but the plane was delayed by 5 hours and we couldn' wait so we rebooked for Sacramento the next morning. We met with Dr. Satin Patel and explained our entire fertility journey. He was super understanding and willing to help us as much as he could. We thankfully made our 11:30 appt. We decided to stay with Shiho for a week to make a trip out of it. Everything was fine and we continued on our process and meds. We got home on the 13th and hoped for further notice.