Monday, September 24, 2012

September 20, 2012 30 Week

On Thursday mommy and Saya headed into the Lafayette office and heard the baby's heartbeat and the belly  was measured. The heartbeat was in the 140 range which is still good but mommy's belly measured 2 cm below normal. The doctor wasn't worried a bit and said that growth was still good.

September 13th, 2012 Growth Check

Mommy headed in to Avista to see Lois the tech and got to see baby again after 20 weeks. Baby looks a lot different than before with more definition. The baby was head down already and measuring at 29 weeks and 6 days. So there was nothing to worry about. Everything else looked good too and  the heartbeat measured just right.

28 Week Appt

On our 28th week appt the doctor and PA measured mommy's belly and the growth was a bit smaller than normal at 28 weeks so they decided to do a growth check with ultrasound. Otherwise, everything else was fine.